Sunday, December 31, 2023

Psychblogging Again

I have a long post on autism coming up that would be great to get done before the year ends, but might not.  I think I am returning to this with my earlier intensity because I am reading over my oldest material and thinking along those lines again.  I never really left the topic, but I see a difference in focus.  I suppose it's not so strange.  James dips back with moderate frequency into being a sci-blogger, or an MK-blogger,  and Grim goes back to milblogger roots from time to time. 

An odd note:  My greatest numbers of posts have all come in the last five years, and the years of fewest posts were all between 2013-2017. I only had 209 posts, which is now 3-4 months worth, in all of 2014. When I get to reposting from those years, especially that one, I may be able to see why.  My initial guess is mild depression/anxiety.

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