Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Norway Maple

Well, I hate my Acer platanoides, thanks. It is now banned for sale in NH because it is considered an invasive species, but it wasn't forty years ago when they built the house and put it next to the street as an ornamental shade tree. It is a shade tree, I'll give it that.  As a matter of fact, it is still providing shade right up until today, and will through Thanksgiving weekend. But I don't need shade right now.  It's going to snow tonight.  My preference was to put down the lawn treatments just as the raking was finished at the old house.  No sense in raking up expensive bags of chemicals designed to make the soil more basic, or the winteriser (3 parts nitrogen, 1 part potassium).  All the nearby Norway Maples drop their leaves very late, but for some reason mine is the last one even of that bunch. I stare at it meaningfully every morning when I go out, but it hasn't taken the hint yet.

Update: Look at this.  Leaves still on.  Ridiculous.

I don't mind it with the beeches and oaks.  I expect them to hold a lot of their leaves until the buds push them off in the spring.


  1. "I talk to the trees, but they don't listen to me"

  2. FWIW, across the street our neighbor's tree holds its leaves for ages too. From the tree's location, I think it has invaded his sewer lateral.
