Saturday, September 09, 2023

Precious Resource

I learned, working with interacting agencies, that everyone who controls a precious resource eventually becomes a prick about it. Probably not everyone.  Likely, it just seems that way. It does make me wonder what precious resources I did control, and what ones I might even now - even things like my time and attention, if anyone still considers those valuable - and how I am doing with that.  I'm a little afraid to look, frankly.


james said...

My wife considers my time and attention valuable, and requests them from time to time. I haven't quite mastered Lewis' attitude about interruptions yet.

Zachriel said...

Assistant Village Idiot: I learned, working with interacting agencies, that everyone who controls a precious resource eventually becomes a prick about it.

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — Lord Acton

And a lean, silent figure slowly fades in the gathering darkness, aware at last that in this world, with great power there must also come -- great responsibility! — Spiderman