Sunday, July 02, 2023

Snippet on Affirmative Action

 I cannot easily link to Twitter since they changes the rules (they say temporarily). I could set up an account of my own, but that seems a worrisome temptation. There are rabbit-holes all over Twitter.

But I will point out that Richard Hanania did a quick count of the racial mentions in the NYT editorial board's opinion on SFFA vs Harvard  

White: 3 mentions

Hispanic: 6 mentions

Black: 10 mentions

Asian: 0 mentions (the plaintiffs in the case)

"You can tell how deeply uncomfortable Asians make liberals"

I would also note "Jews: Also not mentioned."

1 comment:

Christopher B said...

Glenn Reynolds had thoughts (also on Substack), pointing out that this case went the opposite way of Bakke and Grutter in part because the Court decided deference was no longer due elite institutions of higher learning in their pursuit of social engineering.

I'm betting 0 mentions of South Asians/East Indians as well.