Friday, July 07, 2023


I passed a sign on the back road that read "My neighbor is a Karen." Umm, you are publicly shaming someone with a sign because you disapprove of their behavior?  Seems rather Karenish to me.


  1. I know some Karens who are vexed at the new meaning of their name.

  2. If that person with the yard sign projected any harder, they could point her at a screen and show movies with her.

  3. Could be her name really is Karen, and they both share a strange sense of humor.

  4. That would be quite funny, then.

  5. I drive by that sign fairly often and always raise my eyebrows. Also, I can't help wondering which neighbor was the purtative Karen.

    And yes, I bet women really named "Karen" are pretty sick of it. Some decades back, MacDonald's or Burger King had a series of commercials about a guy named "Herbert" who was supposed to be the only person on the planet who hadn't tasted their burgers. I always wondered how all the real Herbs felt about it.

  6. Earl, I'm going by Christopher B's interpretation from here on in.

  7. Earl Wajenberg: Or how real Herberts in the Sixties felt about the fictional slang term in "The Way to Eden"?

  8. Oh, and ChristopherB? If that is the case, then, well, in the immortal words of Jack Point, "If you wish to succeed/As a jester you need/To consider each person's auricular..."
