Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sick Update

So nothing chronic.  I had a virus that dehydrated me and after five days I made an appt and saw my regular physician.  I got lightheaded while there and was sent to the ER, which gave me sailine, then more saline, then kept me overnight for more saline.  By that time a number of tests had been written for.

When the cardiologist saw me this morning she declared that it was not aFib, it was my usual arrhythmia, which is usually under good control, but the medication control was lost because of the electrolyte loss. I was fine by morning.

What I learned: for competitive athletes, older people, and those with more intense needs, plain water is not hydration. Gatorade, or broths, or anything with something more of ingredients such as juices are better choices.  I haven't liked the taste of gatorade, but figure it's better than most medicines.

I have not been overnight in a hospital for some time, and have some observations. Anyway, I am hope puzzling over the Celtics trade and figuring out that section of the draft to listen to tonight.


  1. Glad you're feeling better.

  2. Yes, and thanks for the reminder. I've been relying on water.

  3. I'm glad things turned out alright. The 'frost' Gatorade flavors are less objectionable than the originals IMO.

  4. I'm glad you are on the mend.

    Can you say more about plain water is not hydration for older folks?

    Google is a stooge for Big Water, so I can't get any specifics that way. Are we talking about remaining hydrated during an illness or routinely? I imagine I get plenty of electrolytes while dining, but if I'm off my feed, there could be an issue.

  5. Sorry that you ended up in ER, but I'm glad that you're feeling better. Sometimes the ER is the best way to get seen, our local hospital is so busy they're even using the ER for checked-in patients now.

    When summer hits I have to be careful with hydration, now that I'm older. I don't get hit right away, but I start cramping up when I go to bed and it's awful. But you can get electrolyte drops that are really good, and a few drops can be added to whatever you're drinking. It's just a very slightly salty effect on taste, but different to the NaCl effect.

    Get well soon!

    In this form they are about as compact and easy as it gets.

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It was going into ER in 2019 for a perforated ulcer. It was caused by a beastly flu and was just a pinpoint at the top of my stomach.

    That was memorable, from the ride there, to getting out.

    I was amazed at how good our medical system is, from the full nurses, who get to wear what they want, to the cleaners, the one in my section was wonderful. I woke up to a hippie dream after having the PU cleaned up. A nurse from the 60s or 70s with a bun. She gave me Morphine and put in a Morphine stent, for later.

    The place ran on comedy and I tried to do my bit, mostly as a straight man. We almost lost one guy, and they threw the emergency team at him and we were arranged tom their convenience. The duty nurse, almost under her breath. "They can't die here, the to go to palliative for that."

    Any way, I have a lot of stories.

    I made a drink that has changed the way my hydration works. I have very good water and carbonate it with a Soda Stream that I have a 5lb CO2 container hooked to. Much cheaper that the Soda Stream way.

    So, quite strongly carbonated water 750ml or so. four caps of Organic Lemon Juice, Erythritol a Sugar Alcohol that does little to your system, but there is of course the internet to disagree, and Ice. Wonderful I drink it all the time.

  7. I drink a liquid iv diluted with club soda about once a week. I do mean well-diluted! I have never like artificial sweeteners, so have always had my preferred beverage of coffee black. I do like hot tea sweetened with honey occasionally.
    As for fruit juices, they are way too sweet and I have to dilute them with club soda or tonic water. Especially OJ
    I am obese, but it's other carbs, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a tall glass of whole milk.
    I also can't tolerate over-salted food. It's not my blood pressure gets raised, it's th bitter taste.

  8. I was repeatedly told when you have diarrhea take something with electrolytes, and a gatorade a day won't hurt you. As there was some thought I might be chronically under-hydrated, that may explain the push for the latter. I have long been aware I have days when at 5PM I am counting up the inputs and wincing that it hasn't beeen enough, so I'm just going with at least 8 oz of that daily. It's not that hard, really.

  9. Pedialyte works great for the times you know you're dehydrating.
