Monday, May 29, 2023



This would be Cambridge, England, not Massachusetts


  1. No memory of social distancing it seems.

  2. Christopher B: In a facebook post in the group "odd places around Cambridge", there's a comment that notes this particular bench in the lammas land as a
    Long bench, at least six meters.

    Very early in the pandemic the UK police in various regions were ticketing people for visiting parks, but soon they saw the value in allowing use of parks. Also, beginning in late spring 2020, for groups such as single people living alone and parents of young children the UK authorities allowed formation of 'bubbles' --(slang: quaranteams)-- where one could meet without being required to follow social distancing protocol.
    We've a friend there who is a retired spinster high-level civil servant -- just the person we expect to rigorously and religiously follow government protocols -- and were surprised on a Zoom call that summer when she mentioned having a meal with a friend. She explained to us that this was OK, because "she is in my bubble".
