Thursday, February 23, 2023


At pub night with engineerlight tonight, I said something along the lines of "One of the things I have learned from blogging over the last fifteen years is that 'You would think that would be obvious to all reasonable people' (which he had just said, chuckling) is not a statement that has any meaning."  I may have said it slightly better in St. Anselm's pub in the back where the brothers drop in to have a drink and talk to students, but that's the basic idea.

The context was the high schools in Northern Virginia that did not notify students that they had qualified as National Merit scholars and had discontinued AP courses. Such things are an unstable situation that cannot continue. Except somehow, unstable situations sometimes continue for decades. 

Update: I should mention, James, that you come up often when engineerlite and I are together at pub night.


  1. Bring back both tar and feathers and see how long crap like that goes on at the public level.
    They hide what they do for a reason.

    I'm kind of leaning towards tar but sometimes, drawn and quartered seems appropriate for public officials.

  2. Thank you. I hope that's a good thing. I sometimes field questions about your site.
