Thursday, February 02, 2023

NH State Song

The real one, that I learned at Straw School from Miss Morse, one of the circulating music teachers in the district in the 1960s. Reposted from 2012. Few of us knew it then, and I'm sure it is even fewer now.


  1. IIRC the Australian PM led their anthem once with the introduction "All together now, wince."
    I suppose the NH anthem works better when sung a bit faster by a group of pretty cheerleaders.

  2. It would work better, but as far as I know that has not happened, unless it was before 1960. At our school, besides the national anthem, the serious song that the cheerleaders would sing while holding a pom-pom over their heart was "Hail, Alma Mater Fair." Which I can also still sing. I can still sing the fight song as well, which sounds a lot like everyone else's fight song, frankly, and even has its title ripped off from Dartmouth. They were the Big Green, we, the largest HS in NH were the Little Green, get it? My mother who went to the same highschool, knew both songs as well. I am sure she and all her aunts knew the NH state song also. Her sister, maybe not.
