Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Election 2024

Ann Althouse thinks it will be Biden-Trump, and she's having nothing to do with it at this point. It does seem like good evidence of a tired democracy, unable to rouse itself enough to accomplish even the simplest things. Sure, why not; let's have those guys again.  It's too much trouble to do anything else. Even the radical nature of Trump turned out to be not very radical.  He didn't drain the swamp, he merely annoyed it.

By this time in NH the primary season is usually in full swing, with candidates speaking before Rotary clubs and giving dinners. I'm sure there's something going on somewhere, but I'm not hearing much. Does anyone know if they are seeing anything in Iowa or South Carolina?


  1. And somewhere Grover Cleveland is observing from the hereafter.

  2. Maybe I need to get Coolidge stickers made

  3. I don't agree that it will be Biden/Trump. Both are too old.

    I'd bet on Eric Adams vs. DeSantis.

  4. When I search for it using candidate names such as Nikki Haley I see that she has been making NH appearances. I'm suspecting that until an obvious "front runner" alternate to T or B appears the press and twitter aren't going to be excited enough to give notice that we'd notice.

    I credit having been all-in for John Anderson as informing my adult view that extending the franchise to under-18's is a bad idea. For the next few cycles I had candidates I strongly preferred in each party's early primaries who did not end up doing well.

    So lately I tend to try to look on at the spectacle with detached bemusement, as I've never considered either party to be "my" party.

  5. I also voted for John Anderson, who was famous for saying "I have my heart on the left but keep my wallet on the right."
