Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Moral Views

Astral Codex Ten is doing its yearly survey of who its readers are.  One of the questions is a multiple choice of what type of moral approach we favored. I have never seen such a question on a reader survey and was impressed for that alone. The choices were



Virtue Ethics 

Natural Law


I like them all myself, just being happy these days if anyone has anything going, and seeing some advantage in each approach.  I was surprised that utilitarianism was not on the list, but I think it might be out of intellectual favor these days. I like to keep it in the mix even though I think it has serious problems, largely because I think it is what most of us use as a shortcut 90% of the time for everyday use if a question doesn't catch our attention as difficult, even if we say we subscribe to one of the others.


  1. Utilitarianism is a sub-type of consequentialism because it focuses on the outcome -- the final utility -- of an act to determine whether it's a good act.

  2. Yes, that's right. Hedonism is an other subtype of consequentialism; some critics of utilitarianism suggest the overlap is nearly complete.

  3. What surprises me more is to see "Natural Law" broken out from "Virtue Ethics" and "Deontology." Both of those have a claim to natural law; virtue ethics has a claim to be the root of natural law theory.
