Thursday, December 08, 2022


I am back, with many small things to discuss. No major travel snafus, which is always nice.  I did learn that because I had my identity stolen in 2017, I will be stopped and asked to confirm my identity by Border and Customs every time I return from international travel, but it will not be onerous.


  1. Glad to hear you had good travels.

  2. Welcome home!
    My brother-in-law, the professor was on the nofly list from practically the first day because he used to make his travel reservation with first and last name. He figured out homeland security and by adding his middle initial managed to never get hassled by them again. He travels international about 20 times a year.

  3. That sounds worth a try. You'd think having a TSA number would count for something, but apparently it's different lists which don't talk with each other.
