Wednesday, August 03, 2022


Proposed: The more people you have in your life telling you you are wise, the more likely it is your are arguing for a side rather than for truth in general, whether overtly or subtly.

If true, you had better pray it's the right side, because then you at least salvage something from your declarations.


  1. I have no need to worry then. I often hear "Mom! Really?" and "Mom, it doesn't work that way anymore!"

  2. I have been accused of wisdom twice that I can recall. Mostly however I get the sense that people don't tell me what they really think because I am a physically strong, bearded biker with a big knife on my belt.

  3. If true, you had better pray it's the right side, because then you at least salvage something from your declarations.

    By virtue of being right, or by virtue of the activity of prayer?

  4. I meant the former, but the latter may be better.

    My overall is that the approval of the world for one's wisdom is more a bad sign than a good one.
