Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 I went to Vermont on twice this week.

This was as I crossed the river into Westminster

These were in a country store in Wilmington. Click to enlarge. Socialpreneur seems an ungainly word.


  1. So, "It's all true" is what you're saying? :)

  2. Funny thing about the mints. Right now, I'm looking at a tin with a photo of a Hobo on the cover that says..."Brother Can You Spare A Mint." Underneath which says..."Depression Special 25% Fewer Mints."

  3. In the how-to for Young Socialpreneurs, does it specify what _kind_ of impact one is supposed to aspire to? The image that comes to mind is of the kid doing a cannonball into the pool while you're trying to teach a little one not to be afraid of the water.

  4. Wrt decorated cars: Gus Ain't Here was about a real man: his garage and a decorated car. I don't know who maintains the flowers.

  5. I'm looking for a pic of a flower-painted El Camino. ..

  6. Did you remember to bring your passport??

  7. @ Mike - I don't blame the mint-makers. They likely have lots of stuff. Business is business, after all. The choices for a country store amused me.

  8. It's Bernie land. I'm a little surprised they didn't have any Entitle-mints.
