Monday, August 22, 2022

Reversing Their Position

The American Academy of Pediatrics has reversed its position on transgender youth, and is now not recommending surgery and hormones for most children. You will notice they are making it sound like there is no change and they have been "affirming" in this much more limited way all along. Notice also the WaPo choice of headline.  It is like Russians in WWII noticing that the glorious victories reported in Pravda were drawing ever-closer to key cities. 

As for the UK and support for medicalisation waning, there is the giant class-action lawsuit against Tavistock. That might mean something.

1 comment:

  1. You have to hand it to Dr. Szilagyi. With "developmentally appropriate care" and changing how "affirm" has been used in this context, you will never pick the right card in this game of Three Card Monte. Plausible deniability is their game.

    The Trans movement was more illogical and moved faster than any other Progressive ideology that I can recall. It seems to be receding, and when it fades, nobody will apologize or admit that they were wrong.

    One data point for you. My suburban school district finally issued a policy on pronouns and gender identity. School personnel are obliged to use the pronouns consistent with the student's birth certificate and the student name used with parents will be the same as used in class.
