Thursday, August 18, 2022

CDC on Monkeypox

 Benjamin Ryan tweets

98% men

93% men with recent sexual contact with men (when sexual history known)

Median age 35

White 35%, 33% Latino, 28% black 


  1. A mutation, or a newly opened channel for infection? Either way, closing superspreader events for a few months seems reasonable.
    I've been told that homosexuality was rare in Liberia, until Europeans showed up. Schwab and Harley reported that it was almost unknown in the hinterland: 'We heard everywhere that formerly a man who "played" with another man, or a woman with another woman, would have been advertised through the land as "fool people who got no sense fo' haid." '
    Take that for what you please; it was also said that "our" tribe did not practice cannibalism but the next tribe over sometimes did.
    It is clear that there were no "superspreader" events, and monkeypox venereal infections would have been relatively contained. (not so for longer-lasting infections like syphilis)

  2. Am I the only person with questions about this report?

    Dog infected with monkeypox prompts isolation warning

    "They said they had been co-sleeping with their dog."

    Were they sleeping (wink, wink) with their dog, or does the dog sleep in their bed? It's uncomfortable to think about, but we should be accurate and specific regarding matters of health.

    Are we supposed to call men who have sex with men, just "men who have sex with men"? Does "gay" default to it's original definition about being happy and carefree?
