Friday, July 29, 2022

Neuroscience Advice

I remain suspicious of #1 Habit!!, self-help, SCIENCE-has-discovered personal advice - skeptical, if you will. Even the best ones seem to sell themselves with one-weird-trick style advertising, which puts me off. But I have liked Huberman and am thinking of putting up a couple of his. The PTSD one, if it holds up, would be along the lines of where my own thinking had taken me over the years, though with more clarity and definitely more supporting evidence. 

He's the real deal for credentials.  So I thought I'd start with this one, which seems innocent enough even if it's wrong, and tells me I've been doing things right all along, which always pleases me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    That's nice. I do like Stanford grads and indeed, gratitude is a very powerful thing.
