Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Non-Current Events

Three posts not related to this year's headlines are in the pipeline. I hope to whip them into acceptable shape before going on a men's retreat this weekend.  I have avoided men's retreats since the 1980's.  I have gone to some family and couples retreats. I would probably like solo retreats best of all and should make the effort to find one.  For this one - I have unexpected reasons.


  1. I don't know if I'd do well with solo retreats--for very long. The old "monkey mind" chatters too loud for silence, and "Squirrel!"

    OTOH I don't get a lot out of Promise Keepers sorts of big noisy crowds either.

  2. “I would probably like solo retreats best of all and should make the effort to find one.”

    Perhaps I’m unclear on the concept, but couldn’t you just… go off on your own? I try to do that a couple times a year.

  3. Theoretically, yes. I know I would not focus, and would likely need a directed retreat of some sort. There are Catholic spiritual directors in the area who have done this, but I only know about them from a distance.
