Monday, January 10, 2022

Cause Celebre

Aren't we about due for a new one for the left to chew on?  They need fresh meat to survive, and the Jan 6 anniversary isn't going to last much longer.  I know in coalitions people get irritated if they feel their "turn" has been passed over, so there may be a backlog of causes waiting to get in. I have no prediction who's next, just sensing that one should show soon.  I do know that winter often slows these things down because a lot of the left is in northern cities. reducing the desire to protest anything outdoors.  May is a good month for shouting in the streets, maybe a little rioting, especially after quarantine.


  1. In a possibly related note, has Kwanzaa expired?

    I may be in a bubble, but usually around Christmas, I hear something about Kwanzaa. Nothing this year. I wonder if the idea of building up black unity and community got pushed aside by BLM blaming cops and white people for everything.

  2. In another chapter from the "it's different when we do it" playbook, I would not be surprised to see an invasion of Capitol Hill ala the 2017 Kavanaugh hearing circus if the expected filibuster of a national voting procedures/expanded DOJ voting changes review happens in an attempt to pressure Manchin, Sinema, or some of the GOP into voting for it.

  3. Maybe something trans-y this time. The problem is that we're not an especially violent society, aside from inner city issues that the major media don't care to highlight, so this year's casus belli for the streets is going to be the luck of the draw.

  4. Some tragically stupid and uneducated criminal will come to a violent end at the hands of the state, somewhere, and the incident will be ginned up for maximum outrage. When the weather warms up, of course.
