Sunday, August 15, 2021

Irish Blessing



  1. I've always thought the phrase "May the road rise to meet you" was a little ambiguous.

    If you've tipped a few too many, it might be more of a curse.

  2. Hmm. But in that case, you at least would not be falling as far.

  3. Who's not minding the store??

  4. I am frustrated, Sam. (That reminds me af a quote at the end of LOTR that I may use soon.) Thank you for noticing. If you read my MF and Chicago Boyz comments you may get some sense of it. I don't know where things go from here. I have been posting here , disguising it in earlier years. I have a secret blog I have not used since 2016 that I may start using by invitation (leave your email, or search around this site to find my email address and use that.) I may restart this with different appearance to signifiy the level of change.

  5. I was wondering where you went. If you would like me to continue following please give me a link or an invitation

  6. I have gone nowhere except posting on other people's comment sections. I do have something coming up that will be posted here, which is looking like it might become long. After that, I don't know.

  7. I do enjoy your content

  8. I miss your commentary on all sorts of subjects, not just the current news items.

    Once upon a time, my older brother and I were sitting on uncomfortable benches on our Dad's back porch talking about how we just didn't see things the same way. He was depressed because he thought nothing he did was worthwhile -- as in his efforts and those of like minds weren't changing the world for the better.

    Being a good little sister, I pointed out to him the various ways that his being my big brother had made my life better... and how he'd helped other members of our extended family. He was pretty darned displeased with me that I didn't see the "big" picture -- that he had made no contribution to the betterment of mankind in general, etc. He got even more miffed when I asked him how he was so sure he hadn't?

    I miss my brother -- we seldom agreed, but we enjoyed disagreeing. A few (important) times, we wholeheartedly agreed. Now, it's not that I often wholly disagree with you, but you quite often serve up the same sort of subjects that make me think, as did my brother.

    Books. We often discussed books. One was From Dawn to Decadence. There's no end to the sub subjects in that book... so it could go on forever. Thus, every time you've recommended a book, I am reminded of my brother.

    Of course, we weren't always so 'high-minded' and often argued about the morality vs necessity vs plausibility in Lee Child's Jack Reacher series... up until about book 6 that is. We both loved spy novels too, and somewhat regretted that the end of the cold war put kaput that specific genre.

    My 11 year old granddaughter is spending this coming weekend with me. She's playing alto sax in middle school band because the director thought she'd be bored with the percussion offerings. (She's had percussion lessons for several years and the director is right.) I'm working on a playlist now. Do I have hopes that she will be a virtuoso? Nope, I hope only that she will appreciate those who are/were and how they got there. This is much the same as the influence I hope I've had on her older sister with piano. If either of them, when they are 60 years old, can say "oh yeah, this is what my grandmother was trying to tell me" I'll be satisfied. I hope they get it earlier, but does it really matter when?
