Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Obama's Missed Opportunity

Loury identifies the same divisive incidents that I did years ago.  I'm glad he remembered how damaging it is for a president to publicly intervene in a criminal matter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Loury notes that he could have said different things, and I remember that he did try to go in another direction a few times including something Jim Geraghty noted when he talked about the necessity of a father in family life and IIRC quite specifically with respect to communities struggling with gangs and criminal activity. The exact wording escapes me at the moment. But then he punctured it with the Trayvon comment. Wonder how Malia and Sasha felt about that.

  3. I seem to recall (being old enough) that Democrats were the party of slavery and rebellion.

  4. I remember the first year after Obama's election. I then lived in a small city that had long been close too 50-50 black/white. (Black mayors, black police chief, etc.) The joy and pride I saw in the black people I had always interacted with in a friendly way was palpable. He let those people down.
