Sunday, February 28, 2021


I came back to the Girl Scout Cookie table an hour later, because the Trefoils were calling out to me the whole time.  I know they are not the best shortbread by any measure. Walker's are readily available and superior. But I seldom buy cookies at all, and somehow it is their version that activates me.


Grim said...

While I wish you well with the Girl Scout Cookies, I also make a mean shortbread as part of my occasional Scottish festivities.

james said...

I read somewhere that Girl Scout Cookies are made by different bakers in different parts of the country, sometimes with differing recipes for what is nominally the same cookie.

Fresh oatmeal raisin cookies are extremely difficult to resist.

Christopher B said...

james - I've lived in a couple of different areas, and not only are the bakers different, you sometimes can't get the same styles. While the most iconic styles are pretty much the same (shortbreads and thin mints) there's an iced lemon shortbread that appears to be available in the upper midwest that the cookie baker serving parts of the south and/or southeast doesn't make. It may also vary from council to council depending on how extensive a line of cookies they want to carry.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Oatmeal raisins are favored here because they can be gluten-free. GF foods usually have to make a tradeoff between getting the texture right and making the flavor good, so when you can find something where that tradeoff is not needed, it is valuable.