Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Service Book and Hymnal 1958 - Create In Me A Clean Heart

 After my post on traditional worship, it occurred to me that someone might have put the various pieces from the old "Red Book" up on YouTube even though they are no longer used in the churches.  I was correct, and this is one that we sang in the car in parts for years after the Green Book came out and indeed, long after we had left the Lutheran church to become Covenanters. Though my children grew up on this - the car version, that is - I doubt they remember it much. 


  1. My favorite version that uses this scripture reference is John Michael Talbot's arrangement. I listened to it repeatedly during my "formative" years.

  2. Actually I guess this was penned by his brother, Terry Talbot. Need to give credit where credit is due.
