Thursday, September 03, 2020

Temptations of Power

I do not 100% recommend the site, but I generally like it, and I am a longtime fan of Theodore Dalrymple.  The Temptations of Power contained a few new thoughts, such as that the growth of unrealistic liberalism, even radicalism, coincides with the increase in the number of people going to college who shouldn't be there. But mostly, it is familiar ideas particularly well-stated, in case you need to send them to someone or post them yourself someday.

Additional note:  In the photograph, there is a hand-lettered protest sign on the left side that begins "If You're..." I didn't bother to read further. Those are always stupid, aren't they?


  1. I love this from Mr. D.: "Many have mistaken their own outrage for virtue, and then supposed that their virtue absolved them from the necessity to think clearly."

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "such as that the growth of unrealistic liberalism, even radicalism, coincides with the increase in the number of people going to college who shouldn't be there."

    As astonishing statement. It reveals an entire world of bias. ;)
