Saturday, August 08, 2020

About Four Years Ago

 May of 2016 I posted about the comparisons the left was making of Trump to Hitler, Getting Hitler Right. I like what I said then, and I like the comments.  

I don't know what the original illustration was.  Perhaps this:


  1. You have a better memory than Maureen Dowd. Or a better editor.

  2. Memory is tricky. Sometimes we are quite sure of things, but wrong. We remake memory to fit our prevailing opinions, sometimes quite quickly. I was a poor child. I was a rich child. I was loved. I was emotionally neglected. I was an indoor boy. I was an outdoor boy. I had many friends. I was quite alone.

    All are true, so anything that happened could be fit into however I was feeling that year, or that week. Over time, some narratives grow stronger. This is entirely true of our political memories as well. I have a few things which I am sure I remember that are counter to the prevailing narrative, but I only assert them if I can also recall saying them at the time. Even observations about a fact a year later have been modified.

    Dowd has no excuse, however. What she thought about anything at the time is easily researched.

  3. Here is a very interesting document about the principals of Naziism, written by Goebbels in 1929.

    One thing that is conspicuously missing is the policy of aggressive war on behalf of Lebensraum....I guess memories of the earlier war were still too raw.

  4. Source documents are a good thing, eh? Better than faulty memory.

  5. Speaking of source documents, do you remember your ? You referenced it in 2010 as Best of December 2006, so I guess it stuck with you. "Having one year of Donald Trump as president might be just what the doctor ordered."
    Not at all what any of us would have predicted back in 2006...
