Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Early Start

I am doing more physical labor than usual, because new house.  Much of it is just about to end, thankfully. Last project nearly completed. I relearn every time that if you get an early start you don't get as tired, whereas when you get a late start you get tired very quickly. In my career job I noticed something similar, but it worked on the nights of staying late as well as the days of coming early.  I decided in those cases that being able to work uninterrupted was the key, because you can get a lot done when you are alone. But that can't be all of it, because these days there's no one interrupting me but my wife, and I am more to blame for creating stoppages by interrupting her than the other way around. Maybe it's the temptation to interrupt her once she is awake that breaks my rhythm.

A friend from long ago used to say "Boss, I came in late, I should go home early."  He meant it for similar reasons.  He was an honorable person who would just rather make up the hours by coming in early another day than try to plod along inefficiently on a day that was already shot.  There's something to that.

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