Saturday, June 06, 2020

Peter Thiel

David Foster over at Chicago Boyz linked to this article from City Journal about Peter Thiel. Thiel's name has been bandied about as a Trump SCOTUS nominee - surely quite different in credential from the usual offering of experienced appellate judges. He is a Silicon Valley startup godfather.

I'm going to have to read up on Rene Girard whether I think this is Christian or not, but I will grant it a hearing, at any rate.


  1. I'd have to think more about his mimetic notions, but I'm pretty sure they're incomplete--at least as stated in Wikipedia. I picked suicide as a crime that might not be so easily slotted into that framework, but I gather there is a kind of hack-y explanation of it.

    Also, his understanding of Jesus seems to be truncated, but Wikipedia is not altogether trustworthy.

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    peter thiel is a sexual deviant libertarian who hired a kike, eric weinstein.


  3. From the article it seems as if Girard probably goes past reasonable beliefs but his ideas are interesting to contemplate, especially in thinking about the last of the big 10.
