Monday, June 08, 2020

Loury and McWhorter

I can't sit still for that much of talking heads these days, but Glenn Loury and John McWhorter are both very smart and reasonable guys over at Bloggingheads TV, if you like that sort of thing. They seem to comfortably shrug off all the heat they take.


  1. I thought this was a great conversation. They articulated a lot of things I've been thinking about recent events. I suppose I can keep this in my back pocket to show people if and when I get accused of being racist because I'm not convinced of the narratives being pushed around George Floyd's death and systemic racism.

    Just kidding. I despise the idea that I have to justify my opinions as not racist by showing some black people also have the same opinion, but I do get the feeling sometimes that's supposed to be a necessary condition these days.

  2. To paraphrase some things I've read this morning, your opinion isn't wanted, it's your fealty. Just like Nancy and those other Democrats demonstrated yesterday.

  3. Christopher B, you're right, of course. I'm just waiting for the time when someone pretends they want my opinion and then when it fails to be the one they want to hear, I'll be told to shut up and listen.

  4. I can't sit still for listening to two guys talking for an hour.

  5. @ Sam L - yeah, me neither. Though I realise it would probably be good for me, I still can't manage it. God would have to tell me in a dream for me to manage it.

  6. I'm always doing something else on my laptop while I listen, but I have good news for everyone. There's a podcast version of the show.
