Friday, May 15, 2020

Graduation Signs

The local high schools have been providing signs so that this year's graduates can put an announcement at the top of the driveway that they are graduating.  As this is suburban territory, the names are sometimes ambiguous as to gender.  I think Jordyn is probably female, but Taylor could go either way.  I worried at first that maybe it wasn't a good idea to identify where every eighteen-year-old girl in town is living, but New Hampshire has a ridiculously low violent crime rate, especially once you get outside Manchester and Nashua, so probably no problem.

That low crime rate has been so since colonial times, BTW. Call it culture or genetics, but it's just there, and always has been.

Is this something occurring across the country?


  1. Our local high school printed out the signs and posted them outside the school. They sent a polite voice mail assuring parents that they could have the sign after the school year, and asking please not up steal it before then.

  2. Culture/genetics: western NC was chiefly populated by Scots, both Highlanders and border country Rievers.

  3. The signs are a thing around here too. No names (unless handwritten) but with "#ALLINTHISTOGETHER"
