Thursday, May 28, 2020


I started work at the hospital 42 years ago today.  Not many people stay at one place 42 years. Just a boring guy, I guess. Just about 5/8th of my life. I still just do that, calculating percentages and converting to nearby fractions for lots of things.


  1. I just passed 33 years with the same organization with a goal of working a total of 37, though I've been through two transfers, 3 name changes, and several office moves including relocating from Iowa to Kentucky. Interestingly our team has quite a bit of longevity. For a while in my late 40s I was the youngster but since then we added a couple of guys just out of college.

  2. 40 years. April Fools Day, 1985. There's some deep significance to that; I'll figure it out sometime.

  3. Nor do many people stay at psych hospital work that long. Most do not have the resilience to work that long in that environment. I worked as an aide, a.k.a. Mental Health Worker, at a private psych hospital for a little over a year. Apparently a year was about the shelf life for aides. Several years later a peer interviewed for an aide job at that hospital. The head of psych nursing told him that aides last about a year. After about a year, they think they are going crazy and decide to quit, she informed him. I didn't think I was going crazy, but decided I no longer wanted to work there.
