Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Paranoia Anecdotes: Lead-in Joke

The earnest young woman went of to college to study sociology, but took a 20th C literature course as an elective.  She was assigned a book 1984, by some guy named Orwell. She was distressed and called her father.  "Dad, I had no idea things were so bad back then."


  1. 1984? 1* 9 - 8/4 = 7. There's that number 7 again. And isn't there a Russian connection to the book?
    Very suspicious how this is going...
    Did she call over safe copper wires or using those waves that go through your brain?

  2. FWIW, we had a family member who was paranoid, to degree that did make his life somewhat worse. But it took a relatively benign direction; he was always taking notes to help the local police (or state if he didn't trust the local police) catch the drug dealers who were always watching him. They were watching him because he kept foiling them.
    I got the impression that there had once been a kernel of truth to the obsession and that he had helped, once upon a time.

  3. That delusion about drug dealers is moderately common. If you are sure someone is watching you, they would be a ready possibility if you were trying to foil them.
