Thursday, February 27, 2020

Time Warp

We get patients at my hospital sometimes who have serious dislocations in time, trying to gain custody of children who have already grown up, or insisting that they still own the house they grew up in by some bizarre collection of impossible occurrences. But I use "time-warp" more humorously at the hospital, of a young man who just wants he and his friends to be left alone to smoke weed and write poetry, explaining to us how valuable this is and the government should support him somehow. We're all just so separated in this world, and you know what will fix that? Love. That's what I write about, love, so that people can be together more. Yeah, he wants to go back to the 60s, which he missed by decades but absorbed via popular culture.

There's no cure for it, I don't think. There are other variations.  I am not the first to notice that Bernie Sanders seems to think that 1970s Denmark is still up and vital over in Europe, even though the Danes dropped most of that years ago.  He is also quite certain that abortion and population control are a key to climate change, which people started believing in the 1970s, and peaked around 2000. Folks still believe that fewer people would be a boon for the environment, but that's when other folks started noticing demographic collapse, and that Italian, Chinese, and Japanese children no longer have aunts, uncles and cousins, because they stopped having siblings years ago. Lots of other developed countries are not far behind.

(Tangent: Imagine being at a school or living in a town where none of the children have siblings or cousins - not anywhere, never mind not nearby. Classrooms of unconnected kids.)

Hmm.  I see that City Journal is writing this up in more detail.

Well there's no hope for Bernie being cured of this.  I'm sure people have mentioned that Scandinavia is no longer as Scandinavian as he imagines, but somehow it hasn't penetrated.  I do wonder what's up for the Bernie Bros. I'm guessing not fully cured, but some do get far enough out to laugh at themselves anyway.


  1. I think he looks further back than that: maybe Warren Beatty playing John Reed in 1917 Russia.

  2. There's no cure for it, I don't think. There are other variations. I am not the first to notice that Bernie Sanders seems to think that 1970s Denmark is still up and vital over in Europe, even though the Danes dropped most of that years ago. He is also quite certain that abortion and population control are a key to climate change, which people started believing in the 1970s, and peaked around 2000.

    Stuck in the 1970s- yes, indeed. The world's fertility rate was 2.43 in 2017, which would indicate to the sentient that overall the world has made the demographic transition. Sub Sahara Africa is the only area that hasn't made the demographic transition, and even here the fertility rate dropped from 6.74 in 1970 to 4.76 in 2017.

  3. Not to mention, polyester plaid pants! Ya, I vass dere, Sharly. (Didn't have the 6" shirt lapels, though.)
