Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Test scores. Black-white, Ashkenazi.

Fryer and Levitt, 2002.
Cochran, Harpending, and Hardy 2005.
Further writings I linked to earlier this year.

Put up as reference because of discussion on another site.


  1. My question is this: Is the SD for Ashkenazi males 16 or lower?

    Dan Kurt

  2. Freyer/Levitt is nteresting.

    I'd be interested in seeing what you get with "reversing the cohorts:" start with samples (as corrected for school and economics as you can manage) selected in 9'th grade, split out by test score ranges. Then look at their test histories, and see if the trajectories are the same for different ethnicities who wind up in the same test score range in 9'th grade. (I have a suspicion that they would be similar, though maybe with the white cohort's scores starting out lower to begin with.)

    And I'd also be interested in the outliers--are there schools in which the black scores show less of a relative decline? Are they self-directed learning or old-school-nun run, or is there a pattern at all? I'm pretty sure outliers in the bad direction will be easy to understand.

  3. @ Dan Kurt - I don't know. You might try the question over at Gregory Cochran's or James Thompson's sites.
