Monday, October 21, 2019

Punishment Disparity

The article about the Stanford study linking the racial disparity in academic achievement to the racial disparity in disciplinary actions was all science. Until, just above the video, it starts speculating on what must, simply must be happening.  It's teacher bias, of course.

The lead researcher of the study goes on to say
Pearman also advises parents, teachers and school leaders to pay attention to disparities at their child’s school. “If your district has higher suspension rates for students of color than it does for white students, it’s likely that it is also failing to meet the academic needs of its students of color as well as it does its white students,” he said. “Similarly, if your district is struggling to meet the academic needs of students of color, then it will likely have a racial discipline problem.”
So again, we blame the nice classroom teachers, who are about the only people in this situation who are actually trying to help. Because we dare not look at the real cause.


  1. It can't POSSIBLY be the students! Ziss ist nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot allowed !!!!!1111!!!!

  2. The school districts with the greatest white/black disparities in test scores tend to be university towns, which are also ultra liberal.The College-Town Achievement Gap
    Politically progressive university towns with racially integrated schools like Berkeley, California; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Ann Arbor, Michigan, might seem natural environments for black students to thrive. Each is home to a prestigious university with an activist, social justice-oriented school of education. Each school district has been a part of a network to promote equity for students of color. Each has a large community of well-educated African Americans.

    Yet in a comprehensive analysis of the standardized-test scores in hundreds of districts nationwide, Berkeley and Chapel Hill have the widest and third-widest achievement gaps between black and white students. Even when controlling for socioeconomic disparities, the gaps remain: The 2016 study, conducted by researchers at Stanford, still placed Chapel Hill and Berkeley toward the top for test-score inequality. Ann Arbor for its part places among the 10 percent of districts with the widest racial achievement gaps, as do Evanston, Illinois; Oxford, Mississippi; and Charlottesville, Virginia—all homes to prominent universities.

    Maybe that means that ultra-liberal towns are the most racist. Just sayin.'

    Those who claim that racism is the cause for differences in black/white discipline rates should teach in black schools, and then get back to us.
