Friday, August 23, 2019

Top Posts #51-55

Letters From Tom. A college friend who rose in international business discusses what skills go into leadership in high-tech business.  Quite interesting. Someone must have linked this to push the readership this high, and there are unfamiliar commenters. Jan 2010.  We still correspond occasionally.

Merritt Ruhlen's List. Ruhlen is a linguist who believes all languages descend from an original, and faint traces of it can still be discerned. It is controversial and often rejected. Since this was written, there is evidence in both directions: more deep connections between at least some families have been proposed; however, evidence for a less linear family tree for homo sapiens sapiens is also showing up.  Nothing conclusive. I still think his evidence is good. July 2006

Ofen and Often. The "t" dropped out, but is coming back.  The same thing happened to the pronounced "c" in Arctic. Readers seem to want to put these things back in, believing it is more precise. August 2006

The Richmond 12. There is a cult in Richmond, NH which calls itself "traditional Catholic" but is actually Feenyite and not authorised by the Vatican. I go hard after a couple of the commenters who did not read carefully and made assumptions about why I was writing.  I read further on the subject after posting, including reviewing the book Deliver Us:Concerning Victimhood. There is a style common to many cults, at least the Christian ones I am familiar with. August 2009

Today's Sermon. What question is God asking you? August 2015


  1. Ruhlen is a linguist who believes all languages descend from an original..

    I am reminded of a book I purchased and read decades ago.América, Cuarta Dimensión: Los Etruscos salieron de los Andes.(TR.:America, Fourth Dimension: The Etruscans came from the Andes.) Natalia Rosi de Tariffi,the author,was a Venezuelan of Italian ancestry.

    Unfortunately, I lost the book in a move some years ago. The author claimed that Etruscan words had a Quechuan origin. The only example I remember is "maq" was supposed to be "hand" in both languages. According to the Amazon review,the author claimed that the spoken languages of the world were derived from Andean languages.Quechua and Aymara would be the two main ones.

    Here is an example from page 26-27 of the online copy.toga, the author informs us, is a Latin word that should be considered to be of Etruscan origin.

    "Toga is a cape, a symbol of legal and academic authority...The toga was one of the accessories of the Etruscan ceremony, which the Romans inherited...In Quechua (kechwa)tok is the root of the word tokapu,,which means clothing distinguished by royalty or nobility, adorned with tassels and fine work."

    More valid claims than Von Daineken?

    (Amazon lists the book, but doesn't have one available for sale. I found a site where one can read it in Spanish online, but cannot download it.)

  2. I say ark-tick, but I wouldn't never say off-ten.

  3. Nearly everyone says ark-tic now. The "c" was successfully brought back. Same thing for February. You mark yourself as correct by including the "r," but it went entirely away in the 19th C.
