Saturday, August 03, 2019

Food Snobbery

It's all fun and games until the food snobs come along.
And then more food snobs.
Sandwich connoisseurs* know...
The majority of Americans have never...
Well, if you've had really authentic...

It is entirely okay to declare your preferences and criticise others choices - food is a matter of, ahem, taste, after all.  Just don't preen about it.

The sandwich thread was otherwise fun.

*I still can only remember the spelling of that by thinking of Snagglepuss pronouncing it.


  1. Grilled cheese may be a favorite, but with which cheese? The "authentic" ones with American cheese served with canned tomato soup of my childhood are really not quite acceptable these days.

  2. It's lunchtime, Marge! I'd really appreciate a sandwich. You make them so well!

  3. @ james. My Dad was a big Pogo fan. Switched to B.C. when it went out.

    @ Donna B. That combo is still a favorite of mine. I am strictly a cream of tomato guy. I have upgraded to deli American cheese, and sometimes will even use some other cheese. When I am really branching out from the traditional meal, I will go all the way to tomato bisque.

  4. Grilled cheese-American cheese- with my mother's homemade relish was a favorite sandwich of mine. I imagine a store-bought relish would do in a pinch.
    Oven toasted grinders -even a humble salami grinder- were great. No grinders out here.

    I was never a big tomato soup fan.

  5. Never thought of relish. It seems possible, but an entirely new sandwich. Was this a sweet relish? A hot relish?

    Don't be hasty, said Treebeard

  6. AVI, I like grilled cheese with deli American and prefer it on cheeseburgers. However, only my sons-in-law are with me there. Their wives and children want Havarti, provolone, and cheddar. The only thing we all agree on is no swiss. That's sandwiches. Macaroni and cheese.. whole nuther story.

  7. Now I've got to try a grilled cheese with relish!

  8. I never cared for grilled cheese. Maybe it was just the ingredients, and I'd love it if it were done right.

  9. If you really like something, you like it even when it's not done that well.

  10. Also not a fan of tomato soup, though I love tomatoes in general.

    Grilled cheese and potato chips. Only meal we were allowed to eat in the living room, Sunday night watching Wonderful World of Disney.

  11. Grilled cheese with butter on both sides and Miracle Whip inside, ripe tomato slices optional (pepper & salt), with American and Pepper Jack cheeses, minimum. Only Bolsheviks use one kind of cheese. Best on Pepperidge Farm ultra thin-sliced bread, accompanied by cream of tomato, pronounced 'toe-mah-toe', soup with Parmesan Goldfish crackers, optional. Childhood comfort foods.

  12. @ Aggie - I am with you, even on the Miracle Whip, which I like but everyone else, including my family, shudders at. You may prefer whichever pronunciation of tomato you like, I do not quibble at regional and cultural variations. However, I do not assent to being called a Bolshevik, sir. I do mix cheeses, but I do not always mix cheeses. My seconds will be making arrangements for our duel in the morning.

    BTW, the notification for your comment came to my spam folder instead of my inbox, as it does about 20% of the time. I don't know why. HMS Defiant's comments always come to spam.

  13. "If you really like something, you like it even when it's not done that well." In at least one case, the (at best) mediocre stuff on offer kept me from figuring out what the "point" of the food was. Once I understood what the "point" was, I could appreciate what the mediocre stuff was trying to accomplish.

    Although--I really like the tomato and brie sandwiches the CERN cafeteria made, but dislike my own attempts.

  14. @AVI, please do not take that as a suggestion to add Spam to your grilled cheese sandwiches

  15. I saw an ad for spam in tacos, with the slogan "Pork favor." It might work.
