Saturday, August 31, 2019

First Day of Autumn

At least, in New Hampshire September 1st is the beginning of fall.  It's still mostly warm, but we have had two nights drop into the 40's already.  December 1st is the first day of Winter, too.


  1. Still summer in the land of Bourbon. 94 today, and we might get out of the 70s for a low. Won't be autumn for at least a month.

  2. I am aware of the official dates, which signify the equinoxes and solstices. About halfway up the globe, however, they do not capture the cultural definitions of autumn and winter.

    I imagine it is somewhat odd for students of English literature in Australia to be constantly exposed to opposites in the references, though I am sure they adjust well enough.

  3. Altitude does something similar. Nights are getting cool here, and one tree nearby is already started turning. Not the others, but it won’t be long.

    A lesser version of the Australia effect you mention affected us in Georgia at Christmas time. All the English country imagery around us, and not a snowflake in a lifetime of Christmases.

  4. Williamsburg would have snow occasionally, but all the cameras came out when they got four inches at Christmas one year. It doesn't happen often.
