Thursday, May 23, 2019

More Old Links

The prevailing narrative about gender pay inequality is misleading. I admit I liked Megan McArdle's better, but this one is good. June, 2012 

I had completely forgotten this Obama biography and Steve Sailer's review of itSic transit gloria mundi.  Though maybe Sic semper tyrannis would be better. August 2012

Gateway Pundit can jump to conclusions, and I would be careful, though they were better in the olden days, I think.  But he caught the main outline of this part of the 2008 meltdown quite well, that Obama was not the rescuer, but one of the original causes.  What he describes is only a part, though. And I am always suspicioud of the word "fully" in such matters.  Plenty of blame to go around, including Bush. June 2012

Gateway Pundit on gun crimes and the myths about them June 2012

A reminder that the number of those without health insurance was always untrue.  And not the same thing as being without health care to boot.  Nephew Kyle has mandatory health insurance now.  $7000 deductible.  Single, 23 years old.

Who Funds The Far Left? December 2013

Economist Greg Mankiw makes a good observation why we resent some rich people but not others. In the New York Times, no less. This one isn't the least dated. February, 2014

Frontpage magazine refutes Robert Reich. Short version. Reich repeatedly equates fiscal conservatives saying "we can't afford any more of this" with "We should never have spend any money on this."  Dishonest false dichotomy. February 2014

Remember the good old days, when The Onion was at least mildly evenhanded? Actually, I have heard they have improved on that recently, though I haven't checked it out myself. February 2014

S Fred Singer is professor emeritus at UVA in atmospheric and space physics. Lots of other credentials, if you like that stuff. (I do, at arms length.) Writes about the lack of actual consensus on climate change. February 2014


  1. "Plenty of blame to go around, including Bush."

    Such as?

    Further, you should read the headline more closely: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did. Clearly, Holt throws some blame to Bush, but rightly points out MORE should be thrown at Obama.

  2. David Maraniss's most recent book is of interest.A Good American Family: The Red Scare and My Father.
    From the Amazon Review:
    In a riveting book with powerful resonance today, Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Maraniss captures the pervasive fear and paranoia that gripped America during the Red Scare of the 1950s through the chilling yet affirming story of his family’s ordeal, from blacklisting to vindication.

    Elliott Maraniss, David’s father, a WWII veteran who had commanded an all-black company in the Pacific, was spied on by the FBI, named as a communist by an informant, called before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1952, fired from his newspaper job, and blacklisted for five years. Yet he never lost faith in America and emerged on the other side with his family and optimism intact.

    Most of the reviews sidestep the point behind the "informant" and the "spying" that his father was a communist. A review from NPR does admit it:In 'A Good American Family,' A Son Details How The Red Scare Upended His Father.
    The son does not make excuses for his parents' youthful devotion to communism.

    I wonder what David Maraniss would think of someone who was a member of the German American Bund.

  3. Got a reference for the McArdle piece? I generally like her stuff, although I get the impression that she has been corrupted by DC recently.

  4. @ Ken - Bush supported the idea of getting more poor people, especially minorities, into houses as a way to bring them into the middle class. Well-meant, but it doesn't work that way. Home ownership does not create responsibility so much as signify it.

    Uncle Bill. One good article, though not the one I was thinking of, is behind Bloomberg's paywall, but you can get a little summary here:
