Saturday, May 04, 2019

More Old Links

In light of the divisive gestures of Obama as he took office in 2009, Villainous Company posted a news report about Bush from early 2001.

Taxprof, Dean of Pepperdine, shows where our tax dollars went in 2009.  I doubt it is very different now.

The Martin Center has an essay about the groupthink of acadmics in 2009.  I don't think that's much different now either.

America's Generosity is Unmatched. Real Clear Politics 2008.

Megan McArdle made predictions what would - and wouldn't - happen when Obama's ACA was passed in 2010. I knew immediately it should be saved and looked at later. 2019 is later.

Powerline in 2010 examines some background on Elena Kagan I had completely forgotten about, concerning military recruiters on campus.  She's on the Supreme Court, remember.

Electronic Technologies are not ruining our thinking. Steven Pinker explodes some myths about the brain and learning, 2010.  I am very glad I saved this one.

One of Hans Rosling's great videos about how the lives of people around the world really are getting much, much better. Wonderful data presentation. His are among the most-watched TED talks of all time.  Which is good, when you see some of the idiocy in the other TED talks in the sidebar.

List of violence against Republicans.  As it is only up to 2010, I don't know how valuable it is now.  Much of the stuff is small potatoes - except that when similar events have happened to Democrats they are big news, and you have never heard of most of these.

No Oil For Pacifists stopped posting shortly after this one about the intensity of hurricanes because of global warming. Carl came back in a few years later, and it looks like he still tweets. As to the hurricanes, the "global" part turned out to be important.  The scientific paper (linked there) was somber and warning about how this was all going to get worse, and indeed had gotten worse since the 1940s.  Problem was, it studied the North Atlantic, and this was the only place the data held up. Worldwide, frequency and intensity were slightly down.


  1. In ten years the DNC scribes in the MSM will be praising Trump for his forbearance in allowing the Mueller circus to hobble his Presidency for going on 3 years, and writing 'what might have been' pieces if Pelosi and Schumer had compromised with him.

  2. I suspect their hate of Trump will grow...and Grow...and GROW.
