Sunday, March 31, 2019

Republican Opponent

A woman named Ruth Papazian, daughter of Egyptian immigrants and lifelong resident of the Bronx, is planning to run agains Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2020. She was furious about the Amazon scare-away, and is running on jobs - and basic sanity. It's not going to be easy, as the district is hugely Democratic.

But if some of you want to contribute to candidates who can at least wound if not defeat Democrats you don't like, there's one right there.


  1. It's a local race and I have no connections to anyone or anything in the Bronx. Yes, I could donate but I think it is interfering. I felt the same way about Beto getting so much money from out of state donors. I'd be rather irritated if someone without any connection to northern Alabama gave money to influence the race for my congressman.

    I think it would be okay for me to donate to Texas state-wide races or to races in the Texas localities where I still own property. Some connection is required in my mind to make it okay. Note that I'm not equating "okay" with "legal". It would be far worse to ban giving in outside races. But I wouldn't advocate for it.

    Wishing Ms. Ruth lots of luck and saying nice things about her while continuing to mock AOC is a fine thing though.

  2. "Daughter of Egyptian immigrants:" Papazian sounds Armenian to me. Part of the Armenian diaspora, I would believe.
    The link states: "medical journalist of Armenian descent....A daughter of Egyptian immigrants.."

    One skill gained as an American is being able to correlate surname w language.
    -inski: Polish
    -ov: Russian (though I knew a -off who was Russian Jewish)
    -ino: Italian
    -guez: Spanish
    -ian: Armenian
    -enko: Ukrainian
    Kim: Korean
    Hungarian- no such endings that I can tell. Just have to identify as Hungarian.

    And so forth.

  3. @RichardJohnson -- a good start. Now do Filipino. ;-)

  4. @RichardJohnson -- a good start. Now do Filipino. ;-)

    I am reminded of a job interview with an Asian-looking fellow with a Spanish surname. I assumed he was Peruvian, as there are a lot of people of Asian descent in Peru. Such as ex-President Fujimori and his daughter, who didn't win a Presidential election. Chifas, restaurants serving Chinese-oriented food, are all over Peru- about as common in coastal Peru as Tex-Mex is in Texas.

    It turned out he was not Peruvian, but Filipino.
