Thursday, February 14, 2019


A: Trump supporters are stupid, uneducated, racist, and probably violent.
B: Your accusation is an unsupported generalisation, prejudicial, and divisive. You are merely reciting your tribal preferences.
A: Hey! Hey! You're making it personal here. I'm reporting you for violation of the terms of service!

If you think I am exaggerating, go on Quora. I keep hearing it's like that on Twitter as well, but I don't have personal evidence of it.


  1. Don't never have truck with anybody that has a 'Q' in their name.

  2. The problem is made harder because most of the communication channels available to the public are free. I have no way to vote with my $ to make my displeasure with this sort of nonsense felt.

  3. I've seen a lot of insults thrown at Republican presidents but this is the first time I've seen them directed so pointedly at his supporters. Almost more at his supporters than him. Am I wrong? Was this always happening but hidden until social media exposed it?

  4. I think it was always there - think "Moral Majority" jokes through Bill Clinton's sneers through Barack Obama's "clinging" references, and What's The Matter With Kansas? etc, but it certainly has gotten worse. On the flip side, lots of conservatives were insulting not only about Hillary (and those before her), but about the type of people voting for her. It played out differently, because Democratic voters are more of a coalition, so one can insult each of the constituent groups without insulting Democrats in general. Which is worse, more unfair? I could make the argument either way. I think this is an instance in which quantity as opposed to quality does actually make a difference.

  5. Well, I'm all for it! Makes more people pissed off at them and drives them into supporting Trump to "show those jerks/bastards").
