Wednesday, February 20, 2019


What was the sci-fi story, 1950s-70s, in which people live beneath the surface of the earth in pods or rooms, communicating electronically and having little face-to-face interaction?  One young man goes out onto the surface, just for curiosity, which worries his mother (who lives in a pod at some distance) because it is so strange.


Sam L. said...

Sounds vaguely familiar. First thought, Logan's Run. That ain't it (checked IMDB./com). Next, A Boy And His Dog: Nope, again. It's not a film that I watched, which includes those first two.

dj said...

The Machine Stops - E. M. Forster

Texan99 said... I'm surprised I've never read this, despite being a fan of both Forster and apocalyptic scifi.

GraniteDad said...

I’m not sure it was below the surface though, I had remembered it has huge high-rises but without windows.