Sunday, June 24, 2018

What Next?

When I semi-retired 18 months ago my uncle, who had retired in his late 50's and lived to his 90's, asked me what I was going to do. Well, I have a lot of things to do around the house...
That will take you three months," he snapped.
I've let them go for a lot of years, the list is pretty long...
"Okay, six months."
...and I'm only semi-retired
"So nine months. The point is eventually it will be done and then you'll have to find something else to do."
I didn't go on to the additional point that I am also not very skilled at all this house fixing, because his point was ultimately correct. Eventually I would complete the tasks necessary to sell the house for downsizing.  We will have a home inspection to avoid surprises later, and that may generate a few more tasks.

I finished yesterday morning, and didn't quite know what to do with myself in the afternoon. I have my usual things of long walks, working some days, reading to the granddaughters, reading for myself. My wife, daughter-in-law, and one of my sons have already told me laughingly they have things I could do for them.  I probably will, but the point always was that I'm not good at those, and only take pleasure in completing the tasks, not doing them.

I have long yearned for days when nothing depends on me.  We'll see if I can actually endure it.


  1. Get a horse and light out for the territories! RUN for your life!

  2. OK, i't simplistic silly "advice", but it's what I got. Your mileage may vary.

  3. Horses are good for you, until they’re bad for you. All my right ribs are broken thanks to them.

    But an old horse, maybe. One who knows how to be ridden, and isn’t in a hurry. It’s not the worst idea.

  4. Less than half an acre. Not much room for a horse. There are places you can ride nearby.

  5. Men have brains that are wired to build, repair, create, and so forth. Unless you have another way to satisfy that urge you will go nuts.
    Start a dog-walking service, detail cars, go to a trade school for (any) certification, etc.
    Best on the efforts

  6. Not this man's brain. I'm terrible at that stuff. As a homeowner without endless cash, I have learned to do some.

  7. My neighbor is a retired Army colonel. He volunteers as a counselor for young men, both in a Christian setting but also at the local University and at the local State Prison. I find his commitment to mission and the unselfish allocation of his time inspirational and I deeply admire his continued service. With your background maybe this is something you might find interesting and challenging, provided you weren't absolutely burned out by the system when you retired. I hope you find something satisfying and suitable.

  8. I suggest
    a) more time with those closest to you -- improve your physical relationships
    b) if you have a busy friend you'd like to spend a bit more time with, find out more of the things you both like and invite them to join you in doing them, whether horses, movies, or fine conversation at home or in a bar
    c) yet another part time job -- I'd suggest trying to teach English by Skype
    d) criticize things you don't know about! (S. Martin ref.) Actually, spend a bit more time on how to be more humorous -- tell funnier jokes (W. Allen ref.)

    I'm about to semi-retire, and am learning Java for more programming, but am open to some other projects.

  9. As far as I call tell there's no such thing as a community with enough volunteers to staff all the volunteer work that needs to be done. There is nearly an infinite variety of it.
