Wednesday, September 27, 2017

And LED Free!

Sent by a regular reader

I also like the part where right after is says "Kiss Proof, Smudge Proof"  it says "Not Tested On Animals."


  1. Too bad, really. LED lipstick might be cool.

  2. LED free: I am so grateful for the integrity of this ad. The creators of this ad should win an award.

  3. Pigs everywhere are screaming "Test it on me!!!"

  4. Pigs LOVE lipstick. I mean, everybody knows THAT. And, LED lipstick! Makes kissing in the dark waaaaaaaaaay easier.

  5. Reminds me of a recent trip to Seattle. I attended Mass at the St. James Cathedral. In reading through the bulletin, I found a prominent reminder to parishioners not to avoid using disposable plastics. The bulletin also contained a reminder that espresso is offered after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Only in Seattle!
