Monday, July 31, 2017

Deep State

A liberal coworker (but I repeat myself) was irritated and angry that nothing was coming up on the Trump-Russia-collusion thing, and complained that because she hadn't been hearing anything about it, someone must be covering it up.  I asked who she thought that might be.  She thinks that there are "powerful conservatives out there that don't want this information to get out."

Wait, so you think there is suddenly a Deep State that is trying to protect Trump? That was quick.


  1. She thinks that there are "powerful conservatives out there that don't want this information to get out."

    When will she be saying that there are powerful people/Deep State people who don't want to have information divulged about Awan and Wasserman Schultz?

    Just wondering...

  2. Sort of goes along with Scott Adams recently revisiting his prediction that Trump would go through three stages - evil, incompetent, then effectively implementing things we don't like. My own addition would be that these are cyclical, and we'll see a return to evil at some point after he becomes competent.

  3. Not to mention those powerful conservatives who OWN and RUN the media that have been attacking Trump mercilessly...WAITAMINUTE!!! What???
