Sunday, May 01, 2016


I had not mentioned here that another of my sons is getting married. John-Adrian Wyman, originally from Oradea, Romania and now of Nome, Alaska, is marrying Jocelyn Walker, originally from Manila, Philippines, now also from Nome. They announced in March they are getting married in Las Vegas May 19 but didn't expect all of us to drop everything and come see it.

Well, we did. Even Chris, who is five flights (minimum) away in Tromso, Norway tried to work it out despite the expense. (We all ganged up on him and told him not to, and he eventually, reluctantly agreed.) Las Vegas was not on my to-visit list, but life changes rapidly and takes surprising turns. I'm thinking the mock-European architecture will be the most fun.

We met Jocie and her daughter Aurora over Thanksgiving, so now it will be three adorable granddaughters.


  1. Congratulations to your family! I hope they have a long and happy marriage.

  2. Second that emotion!

  3. congrats! sounds familiar - my son who's about 30 also got married out there, & said that we didn't have to go, but we all did! what a good dad you are :) my son likes fun & vegas, but it's not a place the rest of the family liked (although my daughter & i loved las vegas's natural history museum:)

  4. Congratulations!

  5. And a child gains a couple of grandparents as a bonus.
