Saturday, May 14, 2016


Another reminder of how good we have it here, and how the instincts of even the worst of us in America are pretty reasonable.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be remarkably good politicians by the standards of most other nations. You can fault Hillary for the Clinton Foundation, and getting huge amounts of money for speaking fees which are essentially bribes.  But as far as I know she hasn't worked the levers of government to be given controlling interest in major industries, as happens throughout Latin America, Africa, and Asia. (And even some of Europe.)

I don't like being in the first generation to have to witness this reduced choice in America, but the rhetoric would have us believe that we are uniquely poised for tyranny and destruction at present. 


  1. That's not the corruption to worry about as it has to occur pretty openly. The corruption to worry about is the supposed arm's length daeals that really aren't, the revolving doors between the administrative state, business, and politics, and the NGO slush funds. All of which Hillary and Trump represent in spades.

  2. That's not the corruption to worry about as it has to occur pretty openly. The corruption to worry about is the supposed arm's length daeals that really aren't, the revolving doors between the administrative state, business, and politics, and the NGO slush funds. All of which Hillary and Trump represent in spades.

  3. She hasn't yet. But the scale of the bribes will naturally need to increase once she's in a position to offer more quid for your quo.

  4. I doubt either of them will have domestic enemies killed. It is something to keep in perspective.
