Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I want to like Relevant magazine, which I think fits an important niche.

But I don't.  Tell me why.


  1. Yahoo News presented in a better format, with a different slant?

  2. I saw this site yesterday, and it didn't appeal to me then. Articles don't attract me.

  3. A little bland? Kind of doctor's-waiting-room level.

  4. I think Texan99 is right, plus I could predict most of the articles I read from their headlines.

  5. "The Five Traits of X."
    "Here's Why Y is Surprising."
    "What We Get Wrong About Z."

    Clickbait. Slighly upscale, but clickbait. At least that's my reaction. Also what Texan99 said; I have a feeling that I could write any of these articles myself given the headline. Conventional wisdom, no surprises, no new information. Videos I watched a week ago. Cecil the Lion, forsooth.

  6. And to make the point a little simpler, it's not aimed at someone with your IQ. That doesn't make it bad, just highly unsuitable for you. We are not the target market. We don't have to be; there are a lot of other people out there with different tastes and different needs, who wouldn't be well served by what we prefer, either.

  7. I follow Relevant on Twitter. Relevant has always wanted to be the Christian magazine that helps young Christians engage with culture. But unfortunately, the only way to stay financially viable while engaging with culture is to have most of your site be simple clickbait and vaguely helpful relationship articles, with just the one piece where someone interviews a Hollywood or music star about their faith.

    Whatever vision it had of being something else is gone now.
