Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Admit It...

...you've been missing this.


  1. Yes, indeed I have. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

  2. Busted! Actually I thought of you yesterday when "Take a Chance on Me" came up on my phone's playlist.

  3. Dittos, AVI! (See previous OT comments with links to/referencing them. But did you take the hints? Nooooooooooooooo.)

    Say; who was their costume designer?

  4. Yep,

    Huge ABBA fan - way back. I can understand growing out of things - God knows, I out grew Woody Allen a long time ago. When I saw Sleeper back in 73 (just started high school) I thought it was the best thing ever - didn't last long. I can't watch that stuff any more - but I still like ABBA
