Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hate Letter On Autism

So, an anonymous neighbor in Canada has sent a vile letter to the mother of an autistic boy.  In the letter, the author contrasts the behavior of young Max, the autistic boy, with the other normal children in the neighborhood.

Reading the accuser's letter, and thinking of what it must be like to grow up in a household of someone who expresses herself this way, I think: "Normal children?  I'll bet not."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It had the flavor of a hoax to me. Especially since it purports to come from a Canadian. Everyone knows that Canadians do not talk like that.

  3. I am embarrassed to admit, with all the hoaxes that have come forward, that this possibility had not even occurred to me.

    It was cooler coming from Emma, BTW. She needs to comment here and push you out.

  4. Yup, well, a friend of a friend told me...

    Always get a source. Likely one-sided, but a starting point for further searching for the story.

  5. We have reached the point now where I can no longer claim even my office work computer as my sole domain. I have to check to make sure who is logged into what before I start. Otherwise I end up inadvertently posting under false identity.

    But I'm sure she would have, given the chance, said the same thing. Except, I don't think she knows anyone from Canada.

  6. Yes, well...see what I mean. Hard to form new habits.

  7. Even if it is a hoax, I would not say that all Canadians are somehow always considerate and polite. Maybe Canadians have a reputation for it, but even they are not immune to writing hate mail.

  8. Well, of course, the Quebecois are excepted. ;-)
